As another season winds down there is no better time than now to start looking forward to the New Year! Seine Rat River Conservation District wants to share our Livestock Management programs and our new Alternative Land Use Systems (ALUS) program with you. These programs  have a big impact on local water quality and also provide you, the producer, with healthier livestock and easier land management. SRRCD staff will be at the Grunthal Auction Mart on both November 26 during the live cattle auction starting at 9:00 am and  November 27, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm to share. Please stop by and speak to our staff to get more details on these programs.

ALUS – Alternative Land Use Services

The Alternative Land Use Systems (ALUS) Programming aims to improve water quality by reducing nutrient runoff reduce soil erosion, providing carbon sequestration and providing wildlife and pollinator habitat by chaning land use from agricultural production to restore and enhance wetlands, floodplains and other water-retention areas, in order to “Farm the best, Leave the rest.” Program options Include:

Class 1-3 Agricultural Land: Grassed Buffers

  • Annual Payment of $100/acre plus establishment cost of $100/acre

Class 4 Agricultural Land

  • Annual Payment of $30/acre plus %50 of establishment costs

Class 5+ Agriculture Land

  • Annual Payment of $15/acre plus %100 of establishment costs

Flood Plain Along the Marsh River

Livestock Management

The SRRCD Livestock Management Programming is designed to help livestock owners with the protection and restore water bodies in or running through pastures. Our program aims to reduce bank erosion, enhance wildlife habitat and improve water quality while also assisting farmers to improve herd health and productivity, reduce the spread of pathogens and safeguarding reliable water sources for livestock. Programs options include:

Exclusion Fencing (for Dugouts and Waterways)

This program is intended for the exclusion of livestock from waterways and dugouts. It does NOT cover perimeter fencing.

  • SRRCD will reimburse $1.00 per foot for fencing plus $70 per corner and $150 for electric fencer.
  • SRRCD maximum contribution of $4000 for waterways and $1000 for dugouts


Dugout Fencing and Alternative Watering System


Alternative Watering Systems

This program provides funding to producers who have fenced off waterways or dugouts, to purchase pumping equipment for watering livestock.

  • Alternative Watering System for wateways program cost-share is 75% SRRCD and 25% landowner, maximum SRRCD contribution of $7500
  • Alternative Watering System for dugouts program cost share is 50% SRRCD and 50% landowner, maximum SRRCD contribution of $5000
  • Maximum $750 SRRCD contribution per trough

Wind and Solar Powered Alternative Watering System

Livestock Crossings

The Livestock Crossing program provides funding to producers to install a designated livestock crossing when also installing waterway exclusion fencing.

  • Livestock Crossing cost share is 75% SRRCD and 25% Landowner, maximum SRRCD contribution of $1000

Livestock Crossing

Swinging Fences

This program provides funding and design support to producers who want to prevent livestock from traveling downstream along river channels while still allowing boaters to safely travel along the waterway.

  • Maximum SRRCD contribution of $1000

Swinging Fence Across the Rat River