How Does Improving Nitrogen Management Benefit Farmers and Climate Change?
Nitrogen management strategies ensure optimum productivity, reduce nitrogen losses, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance economic profitability and environmental quality. Farmers in
Manitoba and Saskatchewan make key decisions on the formulation, rate, timing, and placement of fertilizer
nitrogen that are suitable for soils, climate change, and farming operations within which they operate.
How PCWP Can Help
The PWCP is helping producers in Manitoba and Saskatchewan to deploy real, measurable, and practical
climate solutions for agriculture in the Canadian Prairies through the management of nitrogen fertilizer
use. For example, nitrification and urease inhibitors have been effective in lowering the release of Greenhouse Gasses into the atmosphere.
Examples of eligible activities: agronomic services to develop farm-specific nutrient management plans, equipment modifications for fertilizer application in fields, and soil sampling and analysis.
To see a list of all eligible products for nitrification and urease inhibitors, slow-release fertilizers please click here
To see all eligible activities and requirements of the program please see: Manitoba Association of Watersheds Nitrogen Management Fact Sheet