Rain Gardens
The SRRWD Rain Garden program provides funding and design support to property owners who wish to implement a rain garden to capture surface water runoff, rainwater, or sump pump discharge. A rain garden is a perennial garden planted in a shallow depression designed to capture and use water that may otherwise runoff. Rain gardens do NOT create standing pools of water but rather are a designated place for water to infiltrate into the ground (generally within 24 – 48 hrs of a rain event). The SRRWD will provide up to $5,000.00 (50% cost-share) for schools and public spaces to establish a rain garden. We also provide grants of $750.00 to homeowners who establish a rain garden on their property.
Rain Gardens
For schools and public areas
50% SRRWD up to $5,000 for schools
For private residences
100% SRRWD up to $750