Hylife Laredo Water Retention

RM of Labroquerie


  • Reduces flooding downstream
  • Reduces nutrient loading to the Seine River
  • Increases aquatic and wildlife habitat
  • Builds on-farm resiliency to climate change
  • Increases carbon storage


  •  50 acre-feet* of water stored
  • 12 inches depth of water
  • Rock and geogrid textile Spillway constructed on the south side of the east berm
  • Controlled culvert holds water in water retention till water levels outside drop
  • Water is allowed to enter water retention from culvert in southeast corner of the water retention

*an acre foot of water is equivalent to having 1 ft deep water spread across 1 acre of land

Project Overview

Hylife purposed to SRRWD staff that his piece of land in the RM of La Broquerie would be a suitable location for water retention.    The 115-acre piece of land is a low lying piece of pasture that has minimal grazing potential. In the southeast corner of the retention, a culvert would allow water from the municipal ditch to enter. Water then is allowed to back into the municipal ditch through a controlled culvert near the northeast corner. Spillway near the southeast corner allows for water to be released in high water events. Construction of the water retention retains peak flows and helps reduce local flooding and along with PR 302 during spring melt and heavy rainfall.

As an incentive for using this land for water retention, it is entered in the SRRWD ALUS Program. Hylife receives an annual payment due to changes in land management such as only grazing the land once a year. Hylife sees the community befits for the local infrastructure and local environment by having structures like this on their land. Hylife have become good partners with SRRWD having several other projects on their land.