In 2021 Ron Vermette, who farms along the Rat River in the RM of De Salaberry, signed up to participate in the SRRWD Field Erosion Control Program. Ron had a drain going across his land over the years that had become severely eroded. SRRWD staff along with Ron developed a plan where a control structure was constructed at the outlet end of the drain along with regrading of the drain. This structure and regrading will slow the flow of water gain down the drain reducing the possibility that the drain will suffer from gully erosion again. Ron will plant perennial grasses all along the drain. This quarter-mile stretch will now reduce soil erosion and siltation along this waterway. Ron says that he is glad that he can properly fix this drain and will not have to worry that this drain will continue to erode. At the same time, he can contribute back to the community at large through the environmental benefits of the project such as nutrient and sediment reduction in our waterways
Ron Vermette Field Erosion Control Project
Rat River
Environmental Benefits
- Captures nutrient run-off
- Erosion Reduction
- Carbon Capture
- Wildlife and pollinator habitat.
Producer/Community Benefits
- Reduce costs for seed, fertilizer, etc
- Reduce nitrogen loss
- Income from grazing or baling
- Easier land management
- Reduces sediment into waterways
- Control structure was constructed at the outlet end of the drain
- A mixture of lowland grasses is planted this helps stabilize soil and capture nutrient runoff
- The grass is either cut and baled or flash grazed once a year for nutrient removal
- Removal of grass is done after mid-July to protect possible wildlife nesting sites found within the buffer.