We are inviting you to an Open House at our office in Steinbach! Join us for a casual afternoon and learn about who we are and how our programs can benefit you and the communities within our watershed District!
Every second Friday beginning January 12th 2024 until April 5th 2024. Come and go between 1 pm until 4 pm
154 Friesen Ave, Steinbach
Open to everyone!
Join us for coffee, snacks and an open discussion on the Watershed District funding opportunities and learn about the several projects we have implemented by partnering with landowners, producers, municipalities and corporations! Find out if any of our funding opportunities could be incorporated on your property or farm operation to better manage our land and water resources? We’re here to listen and work together to find solutions.
Do these funding opportunities fit your needs?
Soil Health Transition
Funding available for planting a cover crop on cultivated agricultural land to improve soil health, water infiltration and soil erosion. Keeping living roots in the soil as long as possible promotes better soil growing conditions for cash crops and are other harvested for livestock feed. View our “Cover Crops 101” guide to see what may work best for you! For more information on funding for this practice, click here.
Livestock Management Program
Livestock Management Programming at the SRRWD is designed to help livestock owners with the protection and restoration of water resources that are in or run through their pastures. Our programming aims to reduce bank erosion, enhance wildlife habitat and improve water quality while also assisting farmers in improving herd health and productivity, reducing the spread of pathogen’s and safeguarding reliable water sources for livestock. Funding available for exclusion fencing (does not include perimeter fencing or repairs), river crossings, alternative watering systems (must have exclusion fencing in place). To find out rates for funding coverage, click here.
Alternative Land Use
The Alternative Land Use Systems Programming at the SRRWD enables unproductive agricultural land to be used to establish, restore and enhance wetlands, floodplains and other water-retention areas, “Farm the best, Leave the rest.” Our programming aims to improve water quality by reducing nutrient runoff reduce soil erosion, providing carbon sequestration and providing wildlife and pollinator habitat. You may be eligible for a Annual Payment for the acre entered into the program. Find information on Annual Payments for transitioning marginal crop land into perennial grasslands here!
Water Retention for flood mitigation and drought resiliency
The SRRWD Water Retention program provides funding, design and construction of water storage/ retention projects. The purpose of the program is to design and construct sites where water can be held back for a period of time and slowly released. Water storage / retention areas provide many benefits such as reducing river flow rates and flood peaks, recharging groundwater, protecting water quality by reducing non-point source pollutant (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, pathogens, bacteria, sediments) from run off, providing wildlife habitat and added protection to down stream infrastructure. If you could benefit from flood mitigation, click here!
Shelterbelts on Agricultural Land
The Shelterbelt Programming at the SRRWD is designed to help landowners establish Shelterbelts on or adjacent to their agricultural land. SRRWD staff will offer technical advice and help when planning shelterbelt design. Shelterbelts offer great soil protection from wind erosion by reducing wind speeds while also trapping moisture during winter. They provides wildlife habitat to a wide range of birds, pollinators and other animals. In addition, tree planting efforts continue to contribute to carbon sequestration. To find out about the annual payment for planting trees on agricultural land, click here!
Harvest the rain with a Rain Garden
The SRRWD Rain Garden program provides funding and design support to property owners who wish to implement a rain garden to capture surface water runoff, rainwater, or sump pump discharge. A rain garden is a perennial garden planted in a shallow depression designed to capture and use water that may otherwise runoff. Rain gardens do NOT create standing pools of water but rather are a designated place for water to infiltrate into the ground (generally within 24 – 48 hrs of a rain event). Find out more here!