Alternative Land Use Systems

The Alternative Land Use Systems Programming at the SRRWD enables unproductive agricultural land to be used to establish, restore and enhance wetlands, floodplains and other water-retention areas, “Farm the best, Leave the rest.” Our programming aims to improve water quality by reducing nutrient runoff reduce soil erosion, providing carbon sequestration and providing wildlife and pollinator habitat.

Cultivated Crop Land

Cultivated Crop Land

This program is intended to transition cultivated land to perennial grasses in natural flood plains along rivers, streams, creeks, drains, or other low-lying poorly drained lands. The re-establishment of wetland buffers and floodplains or the creation of areas of water retention also qualifies. These areas capture nutrient run-off, provides erosion reduction, captures carbon, and provides wildlife and pollinator habitat.

The SRRWD provides an annual land payment of up to a maximum of $120 per acre over a 5 year or 10-year contract. The SRRWD covers $100 per acre establishment cost (labour, equipment, and seed).

Landowners are will remove vegetation (flash grazing or baling) from the protected areas after mid-July as weather permits to reduce nutrient runoff. They are required to submit a self-report with pictures to receive full payments. Without a self-report or fulfilling your duties will result in a half payment or no payment.

Class 4 Forage/Grazing Land

Class 4 lands have only limited capacity for cropland but are capable of producing quality forage crops and range lands.

This program is intended for the re-establishment of wetland buffers and floodplains or the creation of areas for water retention on Class 4 agricultural land that is being used for forage, cropland or rangeland. These areas have capacity for water retention, provide uptake of nutrients, capture carbon, provide wildlife and pollinator habitat, and protect downstream infrastructure.

The SRRWD provides an annual $30 per acre land payment over a 5 year or 10 year contract The SRRWD covers 80%-100% of establishment costs.

Landowners are will remove vegetation (flash grazing or baling) from the protected areas after mid-July as weather permits to reduce nutrient runoff. They are required to submit a self-report with pictures to receive full payments. Without a self-report or fulfilling your duties will result in a half payment or no payment.

Class 5 and Higher Forage/Grazing Land

Class 5+ lands have limitations in the ability to produce forage crops or quality rangeland.

This program is intended for the reestablishment of wetland and floodplains or the creation of areas of water retention on Class 5 agricultural land that is being used for forage or rangeland. These areas have high potential for water retention, provide uptake of nutrients, capture carbon, provide wildlife and pollinator habitat and protect downstream infrastructure.

The SRRWD provides an annual $15 per acre land payment over a 5 or 10 year contract. The SRRWD covers 80%-100% of establishment costs.

Landowners are will remove vegetation (flash grazing or baling) from the protected areas after mid-July as weather permits to reduce nutrient runoff. They are required to submit a self-report with pictures to receive full payments. Without a self-report or fulfilling your duties will result in a half payment or no payment.

Pasture Riparian Fencing

This program is intended for the protection of riparian areas along creeks, steams, and rivers These areas are vital wildlife habitats and are often susceptible to erosion from livestock, provide uptake of nutrients, capture carbon, and provide pollinator habitat.

The SRRWD provides an annual $15 per acre land payment over a 10-year contract. The SRRWD covers fencing of riparian areas up to $1.25 per foot through our SRRWD Riparian fencing program.

Landowners are will remove vegetation (flash grazing) from the protected areas after mid-July as weather permits to reduce nutrient runoff. They are required to submit a self-report with pictures to receive full payments. Without a self-report or fulfilling your duties will result in a half payment or no payment.


The SRRWD ALUS program provides funding for the preservation of ecologically sensitive lands The purpose of the program is to preserve ecologically sensitive land from future development. Preserving sensitive ecological lands provides many benefits such as protecting wildlife habitat, protecting pollinator habitat, protecting native species, and preserving. Currently, SRRWD has funding to preserve old growth Oak stands. The SRRWD will provide an annual payment of $30 per acre over a 10-year contract.

ALUS Funding Opportunities

ALUS Projects

Marsh River Farms ALUS project #2

Ron Vermette Field Erosion Control Project

Jeremie Lussier Grassed Waterway

Martial Gosselin ALUS Perennial Grass Project

Chubaty Water Retention Living Labs

Herbsigwil Farms ALUS Riparian Perennial Grass Buffer

Marsh River Farms ALUS Riparian Grass Buffer

Art Enns ALUS Grassed Buffer