Cultivated Crop Land
This program is intended to transition cultivated land to perennial grasses in natural flood plains along rivers, streams, creeks, drains, or other low-lying poorly drained lands. The re-establishment of wetland buffers and floodplains or the creation of areas of water retention also qualifies. These areas capture nutrient run-off, provides erosion reduction, captures carbon, and provides wildlife and pollinator habitat.
The SRRWD provides an annual land payment of up to a maximum of $120 per acre over a 5 year or 10-year contract. The SRRWD covers $100 per acre establishment cost (labour, equipment, and seed).
Landowners are will remove vegetation (flash grazing or baling) from the protected areas after mid-July as weather permits to reduce nutrient runoff. They are required to submit a self-report with pictures to receive full payments. Without a self-report or fulfilling your duties will result in a half payment or no payment.