Brain Grier is a member of our Rat River & Joubert Creek sub-district, he has been impressed by the community benefit that water retention projects have provided throughout the Watershed District. Having a great water retention site on his and wife’s Karen land they made the decision to ask SRRWD to install a water retention. This water retention is going to help reduce downstream flows helping relieve pressure on infrastructure.
Grier Water Retention
Located on the North Branch of Jordan River along PR 201
- Reduces flooding downstream
- Reduces nutrient loading to the Roseau River
- Increases aquatic and wildlife habitat
- Builds on-farm resiliency to climate change
- Increases carbon storage
- Protects down stream infrustructure
- 19 acre feet* of storage at peak capacity
- Average depth of water stored at full capacity 18″
- Low flow culvert control
- 20 meter wide rock spillway using natural slope
*an acre foot of water is equivalent to having water spread 1 ft deep across 1 acre of land