

To promote the stewardship of our land and water resources to ensure a healthy and prosperous lifestyle for all watershed residents, now and into the future.


The SRRWD operates under the authority of the Watershed Districts Act and Regulations and correspondingly follows the WD Program Mandate to support and promote the sustainable management of the land, water and related resources in Manitoba.

What We Do

The SRRWD plans and undertakes projects within the Watershed District aimed at the long-term sustainable use and management of land and water resources. The district is made up of three (3) watersheds, including the Seine River, Rat River, and Roseau River.

The SRRWD offers programs based on the priorities within each sub-watershed area. A full list of the SRRWD programs can be viewed here.

The SRRWD staff organizes and oversees the programs which are proposed by sub-district members and landowners within the Watershed District. SRRWD staff is always willing to discuss potential projects with District residents. All landowners within the SRRWD boundaries have equal opportunity to apply for the SRRWD programs. Program application forms are available at the SRRWD office, or for download from the Funding page.

The SRRWD staff continually search out partnership and external funding opportunities for special projects. External funding for specific projects is a great way to supplement the SRRWD budget and complete more projects.

The SRRWD utilizes Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software to assist with project planning and analysis. The GIS can spatially and graphically display an endless amount of land and human related information, such as aerial photography, land-use, soil type, highways, livestock sites, rivers, drainage channels, etc. There are multiple benefits in having the ability to create customized GIS maps and use them in watershed management planning.


The SRRWD was established in partnership with local municipalities and the Province of Manitoba Conservation Districts Program in January of 2002. The SRRWD was created to provide an avenue through which local people can work together, set resource management priorities, develop and deliver land and water management programs, and respond to local issues in a sustainable manner.

In November 2005, the SRRWD officially received Registered Charitable Organization status.

Click here for more information on the Watershed Districts of Manitoba